Gabor frames for the analysis of impact sounds using ESPRIT
Authors: Sirdey A., Derrien O., Kronland-Martinet R., Aramaki M.
Publication Date: September 2011
Tags: Gabor Frames
This articles tackles the estimation of mode parameters in recorded impact sounds obtained by hitting resonant objects. It is shown in this article that the ESPRIT algorithm can be efficiently applied on time- frequency representations of the signal obtained using Gabor frames. An experimental study on artificial signals has been conducted in order to highlight the advantages of such an approach, and to compare the performances of ESPRIT and Steiglitz-McBride-based estimation algorithm. A real case analysis situation over a 341 impact sounds database is also discussed.
Original sound
This sound was obtained by hitting the object presented below:
The hitting spot is represented by a green dot. The recorded sound can be listened to here:
Resynthesised sounds
With ESPRIT applied in a Gabor frame (604 components):
With ESPRIT applied in a Gabor frame, after discarding components relying on psychoacoustical considerations (57 components):