Do schizophrenia patients with low P50-suppression report more perceptual anomalies with the sensory gating inventory?

Authors: Micoulaud-Franchi J-A., Hetrick W. P., Aramaki M., Bolbecker A., Boyer L., Ystad S., Kronland-Martinet R., Richieri R., Faget C., Faugere M., El-Kaim A., Cermolacce M., Lançon C., Vion-Dury J.
Publication Date: June 2014
Journal: Schizophrenia Research (vol. 157(1-3), pp. 157–162, 2014)
Tags: Brain Imaging, Sounds and Pathologies
Background: P50 amplitude changes in dual click conditioning–testing procedure might be a neurophysiological marker of deficient sensory gating in schizophrenia. However, the relationship between abnormalities in the neurophysiological and phenomenological dimensions of sensory gating in schizophrenia remains unclear. The aim of the present study was to determine if patients with low P50-suppression (below 50%) report more perceptual anomalies.
Methods: Three groups were compared: twenty-nine schizophrenia patients with high P50-suppression (above 50% amplitude suppression), twenty-three schizophrenia patients with low P50-suppression (below 50%) and twenty-six healthy subjects. The Sensory Gating Inventory (SGI), a four-factor self-report questionnaire, was used to measure perceptual anomalies related to sensory gating. A comparison of demographic and clinical data was also carried out.
Results: Patients with low P50-suppression presented: i) significantly higher scores on the SGI (for the overall SGI score and for each of the 4 factors) and ii) significantly larger P50 amplitude at the second click, than both patients with high P50-suppression and healthy subjects. There were no group differences in the most of demographic and clinical data.
Discussion: The finding offers support for conceptual models wherein abnormal neurophysiologic responses to repetitive stimuli give rise to clinically relevant perceptions of being inundated and overwhelmed by external sensory stimuli. Further studies are needed to explore the contributions of clinical symptoms, medication and neuropsychological functions to the relationship between P50-suppression and the SGI, and the role of sensory “gating in” versus “gating out”.