The cycle of CMMR - Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research - gatherings which started in 2003 was initiated by our group in collaboration with Danish researchers at the Aalborg university, Denmark. The conference has toured Europe from France, Italy and Spain to Denmark and the United Kingdom and has once been held outside Europe in Bhubaneswar, India. Any sound related topic spanning from its acoustic production, signal processing, perception and cognition as well as technological challenges such as compression, recognition and data bases are of interest. In addition to scientific part of the conference, music submissions, installations and demos constitute also important contributions of the conference, which makes the CMMR a true Art, Science and Technology event.
CMMR 2021 will take place in Tokyo (Japan) on 15 through 19 November 2021. Due to the corona crisis, the 2020 CMMR was postponed...
CMMR2019 was organized by PRISM in Marseille, France during 14-18 octobre 2019. The conference theme was “Perception, Representations, Image, Sound, Music”. CMMR2019 was also organized to...
The 13th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR) took place in Porto (Portugal).
The 12th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR) has taken place in São Paulo, Brazil on 05-08 July 2016. This edition encouraged...
CMMR2015 will be organized by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research et le LMA, Marseille during 16-19 juin 2015 in Plymouth, United Kingdom.
CMMR2013 was organized by LMA in Marseille, France during 15-18 octobre 2013. The following local scientific and artistic institutions participated in the event: Institut des Sciences du Mouvement (ISM),...
The CMMR2012 was organized by Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London and LMA , Marseille. It united a total of 150 delegates from 24...
The 8th International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR2011) joined hands with Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music (FRSM) to hold...
CMMR2010 was organized during 21-24 Juin 2010 in Málaga,Spain by the Application of Information and Communications Technologies Group (ATIC) of the University of Málaga...
CMMR2009 took place in Copenhagen, Denmark, May 18–22, 2009 and was associated with the International Conference on Auditory Display (, hereby introducing new topics...
CMMR2008 “Genesis of Meaning in Sound and Music”was joint to the Network for Cross-Disciplinary Studies of Music and Meaning (NTSMB) and organized by the University...
CMMR2007 “Sense of Sounds”was joint to the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2007) « Immersed music » and organized by the University of Aalborg, Denmark and LMA, Marseille. It took...
CMMR2005 “Play” was organized by the Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI), Italian National Research Council (CNR), Pisa, Italy, the University of Aalborg, Denmark and LMA, Marseille. It...
CMMR2004 was organized by the University of Aalborg, Denmark and LMA, Marseille. It took place during 26–29 May 2004 in Esbjerg, Denmark.
CMMR2003 was the first event in this conference series and was jointly organized by the LIRMM, Montpellier, the LMA, Marseille and the University of Aalborg, Denmark. It was held...
All the CMMR gatherings have resulted in post symposium proceedings containing selected peer-reviewed papers and published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences Series (click on the books to get more information on the content).